Masterproof SA

Flat Roofs

Flat and joint roofs are no longer a problem with MasterProof SA’s cutting edge technology and superior materials.

Slab Roof

Your complete maintenance free waterproofing solution for slab roofs.

Corrugated Roof

Corrugated and IBR roofs tend to leak more than other roofs, Masterproof are experts at solving corrugated roof related leaks in a seamless solution.

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Masterproof SA Engineered Waterproofing Systems is a leading waterproofing company that uses innovative green, Waterbased Seamless Maintenance-free, Polymer-based materials.

We provide solutions for the following waterproofing issues

  • Boundary and parapet walls
  • Foundations
  • Patios under tiles
  • Patios over tiles (new system)
  • Slab,tiled,corrugated and ibr roofs
  • Ponds

Guaranteed supervised and professional work

Call us for a 100% piece of mind

We fix your problem twice: the first time and the last time in one go


Secure payment available

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